Пирожное слойка с кремом, Technological map: № Puff pastry with cream (sliced) recipe No. 3

Пирожное слойка с кремом

В домашних блюдах я никогда не стремлюсь к идеальным поверхностям, геометрически правильным формам, в этом десерте, например, важно только, чтобы высота его была примерно одинаковой. Присоединяйтесь к нам в VK! Коржи при выпечке раздуваются.

After preparation, the dough layer is allowed to stand for minutes.

Быстрые хрустящие слоёные язычки 10 минут замешиваем, 30 минут охлаждаем, 20 минут выпекаем

A hole is cut out in the center of the upper layer for the semi-finished puff Colosseum cake and greased with an egg. The top surface for the apple puff is smeared with yolk. Before baking, the surface of the dough layers is pricked with a knife in several places. For the "Envelopes" piece puff, the rolled dough is cut into squares of a certain mass.

Lubricate in the middle with melange, then fold all the corners of the square to the middle, pressing slightly. For the Book, the dough is cut into rectangles, half of their surface is smeared with melange and the dough is folded in the middle, placing the unlubricated half on the greased one.

Technological map №326 Puff pastry with cream (sliced)

For "Triangles", the rolled dough is cut in the same way as for "Envelopes" into squares, one corner of the square is smeared with melange and the dough is folded diagonally, placing the unlubricated part on the greased one. For "Bows" the dough is cut into rectangles and twisted once in the middle. For tubes and couplings, the rolled dough is cut into strips 10 mm thick, 25 mm wide and mm long, rolled helically onto metal tubes so that with each turn one edge of the strip is slightly on the other, and laid on the sheets with the seam down.

The strip thickness after rolling is 4.

The surface of the tubes is lubricated with melange, and the surface of the couplings is not lubricated.

When shaping the dough, it is necessary that the blades of the knives and the edges of the grooves are sharp. It is recommended to grease the surface of the top layer for a puff with apple filling immediately after baking with sugar syrup.

Thin layers from white to light yellow are easily separated. The structure is airy. The peeled and cut butter is whipped in a beater at low speed until smooth. Duration of whipping is min. Milk and granulated sugar are heated to a boil while stirring. Milk syrup is gradually poured into the resulting egg-flour mixture.

The custard should be used within an hour of making it. Two layers of puff semi-finished product are connected with cream and trimmed with cream and flaky crumbs. Packaging, labeling, storage and transportation should be carried out in accordance with requirements of TU. Log in. To get a calculation for or your specified output is required: 1 Sign up ; 2 having received a registration letter confirm your E-mail and phone number; 3 Sign in.


Weight 68 g. List of recipes. Document for printing. Description of the technological process. The technological process of production consists of the following stages: Preparation of raw materials for production.

Для загрузки технологической карты, ее необходимо добавить в корзину. Корректировка, перерасчет на другое количество, печать ТК. Все это доступно в бесплатной демонстрационной версии программы «ФК:Учет в общепите». Формирование планов-меню, расчет необходимого количества продуктов. Это и многое другое доступно в полной версии программы «ФК:Учет в общепите».

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